I want this to be a surprise gift – how do I ensure that?
If the purchase is to be for another person, please ensure the name on the shipping details is that person’s name. Then, if you would like the package shipped to yourself, include your own address as shipping address, otherwise use the recipient’s address and we will send the pack out to them with a card in it saying something like, “This package has been prepared for you on behalf of purchaser’s name“. If you have a specific message your require to be used or if you have further instructions, please email us or use our contact form — we will do our utmost to accommodate you.
How much of the purchase price goes into the restoration of Dunans?
This depends very much on the package you buy. We aim to ensure that over time 50% of the money raised from the purchases of lairdships are used on the building itself, and smaller percentages on the grounds and bridge to ensure access.
What will I own?
One square foot of ground in pasture set at the back of Dunans Castle. Access to this square foot of pasture can only be by foot and must be booked. Your parcel of land will be identified by an ID number in your Deed of Entitlement and will be marked on a plan of the area derived from the deeds of Dunans Castle. For a more thorough-going treatment of this, please view our terms and conditions.
Can I Call Myself Lord?
Lord and Laird are, in the strictest semiological sense, words referring to the same type of person, ie. a Landowner. Therefore the sites which say you can call yourself a Lord are correct. It is perfectly legal to refer to yourself as Lord of Dunans Castle, however the title would carry no legal status in a court of law (and this is true of any titles of this particular type). To become a Lord in the sense recognised by the Court of the Lord Lyons (wherein the title has devolved directly from the Queen) you would need to be of the right pedigree or be recognised for services to the crown (such as a senior British politician).
One other route remains to my knowledge and that is the purchase of an English baronial title. These sometimes come up and are generally in the form of “Lord or Lady of the Manor of XXXX” and cost several thousand pounds at auction or similar.
Being by no means experts in this, we’d encourage comments by those more knowledgeable.