Carbon Credits from Dunans Castle Woodland - Print Version
ScottishLaird supply this product directly and therefore delivery is usually in the times stated.
Carbon credits for Ladies, Lairds, Gentlemen and companies who want to mitigate their climate-changing emissions as well as support the restoration of Dunans Castle.
Gift a single tonne of carbon credits to family and friends to give their green credentials a lift, or offset your own carbon footprint for a year, five or ten. You can even offset a lifetime's carbon footprint!
Scottish Laird is offering several gift package options in the pre-certification phase of the Dunans Castle Woodland Carbon Offset project, as there is only a limited proportion of the total tonnage of credits for the project being made available in this phase so package numbers are strictly limited.
Corporate packages can also be purchased, but these are not for gifting, with only serial numbers for the relevant tonnage of credits issued.
So, how much carbon might you be emitting?
Per person emissions per country is approximately as follows:
Each offset package includes:
- Certificate of Carbon Offset – personalised, signed and sealed by Charles, with pre-certification serial number(s) for each tonne of carbon credit purchased.
- Letter from the directors of Dunans Castle Limited introducing you to the Carbon Offset project and the Dunans Castle Restoration
- Map of Dunans Castle Woodland
- The Dunans Castle Woodland Carbon Offset leaflet, including timeline and project outline.
- Access to the Dunans Castle Woodland Carbon Offset database
- Invitation to visit the project at Dunans Castle
- Right to wear the Dunans Rising tartan as having contributed to the restoration of Dunans Castle.
- Email newsletter for the Castle Restoration and Carbon Offset.
You can choose either download-only packages or we can send out hardcopies for gifting.
In late 2020 Dunans Castle Limited acquired 250 acres of land adjacent to the castle and bridge it is tasked with restoring. The ground offered new access possibilities, a limited commercial harvest, and the potential for a Carbon Offset project which could accelerate its ambition to save the nearby historic buildings.
After the harvest of the commercial timber at the end of 2022, the company, led by Charles & Sadie Dixon-Spain, began to plan for a new 250-acre native woodland, and at the beginning of 2024 received approval of the plans for the woodland from the regulator. During 2024 fencing, preparation and planting will realise the ambition of creating a publicly accessible amenity woodland which captures over 25,000 tonnes of Carbon Credits for a century.
For more information visit www.dunanswoods.com