Thank Groupon Its Friday! Yes, we’re up to our knees in another Groupo – Scottish Laird
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Thank Groupon Its Friday! Yes, we’re up to our knees in another Groupon UK Promo …

Posted by Dixon-Spain on

… beginning tonight at midnight, we have another UK promotion of our River titles. Not only that we’ve also been prepping Swedish and Danish campaigns while also fulfilling Norwegian and Finnish orders. Which is great because we also just heard that our architect, Robin Kent is about to start work on the first of our listed building consents for the Castle.


On another front, while entering the codes for the promotions, I’ve been designing new signage for the Drivehead. Not of course to replace the Dunans Castle sign, but to give clearer instructions to folk visiting. Right are the initial sketches …

And because it is Friday, and the photo amuses me greatly, here’s Barty bouncing through the Bluebells this May!

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