News — Tours
The Next Step at Dunans: A New Welcome!
Posted by Charles Dixon-Spain on
If you are a subscriber to the ScottishLaird Newsletter (here) you will already know that we are planning big things at Dunans this year. One of these is a new reception and office building at the top of the drive which we will be making out of recovered containers.
- Tags: Bridge, Castle, Facilities, Office, Plots, Reception, Restoration, Tours
Safety First at Dunans: Protecting our visitors and also the castle
Posted by Dixon-Spain on
Over the last year, as you’ll know if you have been following us, we’ve put in place a variety of surveys, plans and consultations which will help us realise the restoration of the castle. Over Christmas David Wright helped us take a small step further by installing a safety fence around the castle. Now most … Continue reading Safety First at Dunans: Protecting our visitors and also the castle
Lairds and Ladies Website: Revamped and new content added
Posted by Dixon-Spain on
We’ve just implemented some long overdue changes to the Lairds’ and Ladies’ website, and more are on the way. We’ve changed the look, creating a website that uses the same template as the website, but darker (to distinguish it). This is Desktop, tablet and mobile friendly. We’re still working on this, so treat it … Continue reading Lairds and Ladies Website: Revamped and new content added